Through working with Stockport Support Hub, Lillian is aware of specialist support to help her care for her husband and feel less isolated.

#One Stockport #One Heart #One future

Lillian’s GP referred her to Stockport Support Hub, she is the main carer for her husband who has dementia and was finding it increasingly difficult to care for her husband on her own.


A referral had already been made to Adult Social Care, but Lillian was unsure of the process and felt confused. Stockport Support Hub talked Lillian through the process and how Adult Social Care could assess their care needs and provide some additional support.


Stockport Support Hub advised Lillian of support available through Carers Support. Lillian had registered with them but hadn’t been in touch, so the Hub encouraged her to contact them for a Carers Assessment.


It was evident that Lillian would benefit from some emotional support as she felt overwhelmed. The Hub provided information and signposted her to Alzheimer’s Society and Dementia UK for additional specialist support.


Lillian now has the Hub contact details and knows she can call for further information or advice.


Lillian said: ‘I feel comforted to know you are there, Alex was so kind and nice. I know I have your number if I need to call you again about anything. Thank you so much for all the information I feel so grateful and feel very supported, it’s such a lovely feeling knowing you are there’.