Laura had recently lost her husband and was struggling to cope emotionally.  She was finding it difficult to navigate the processes involved in her husband’s death. She was finding it increasingly difficult to leave the house due to her physical and mental health. Laura felt she had lost her confidence.

Laura’s worked with her Your Support Key Worker and together they contacted a mental health charity who provide bereavement counselling to help improve Laura’s mental wellbeing.

Laura was struggling at home with limited mobility Laura’s Key Worker helped her to explore options that would enable her to live more independently and support her physical wellbeing.


As a result, Laura was able to purchase a stairlift, and was referred to Equipment, Aids and Adaptations who were able to provide a walking frame.   Laura was able to contact Age UK so a Key Safe could be fitted, which gives Laura peace of mind that visitors can come over at times when she might struggle to get to the door.

With encouragement from her Key Worker, Laura considered community activities that would help her feel less isolated. Her Key Worker accompanied Laura to a social group at Stockport County so she could meet new people.  Attending this group was the first time Laura had left the house since her husband had died.  This was a turning point for her and she started to reconnect with friends and start to do things she enjoyed previously.

Laura said:

“All good things come to end but I can honestly say my Key Worker was a breath of fresh air to me. I’m still raw, but my Worker was a good listener, full of compassion, loves her work and is dedicated to helping people like me.  She understood my process of coming to terms with my husband’s death. She really is professional in her work and is so caring. She has helped me to get out and meet people again which was a big thing for me. And has been like a signpost helping me to find my feet again and getting other organisations to get involved with me”.

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