If you need help urgently or are in any danger, please call 999. 

Worried about yourself?

We’re here for you if you are affected by domestic abuse. Relationships can be complicated; they have their ups and downs, but they should never be harmful – physically, or emotionally. We’re here for you if you’re worried about feeling safe in your relationship. Talking to someone about how you feel can be the first step to getting the right support.

We have a team of highly trained advisers who are here to listen. We won’t judge you or tell you what to do. We will support you and empower you to understand your options to increase your safety, health and wellbeing.

Worried about your own behaviour?

We’re here for you if you’re concerned that you might be hurting, scaring, or controlling your partner. Or if you’re worried about controlling your feelings and feel you could use harmful behaviour towards your partner.

Our team are caring, non-judgemental and will work with you to help you develop healthy relationships. Contact us

Contact Us

If you have experienced Domestic Abuse, you can speak to Stockport Council’s Victim’s Voice Coordinator. They are here to:

·         Foster a safe space for emotional well-being and self-expression.

·         Support you to build resilience and confidence.

·         Connect you with others who've faced similar challenges.

·         Gather your feedback to improve our services.

To find out more please email: DA.victimvoicecoordinator@stockport.gov.uk


Have your Say About Domestic Abuse! fill out the Stockport Domestic Abuse Victim Voice Feedback form using the link here or the QR code below 
