Through working with Your Support, Aisha’s confidence has grown, and she has taken positive steps towards finding suitable employment.

#OneStockport #OneHome #OneFuture

Aisha was referred to Your Support by Adult Social Care for a benefit check and for support in finding work.

Aisha told Jo (Your Support Key Worker) that she felt low and had lost her confidence. Aisha had become isolated and rarely left home. Aisha felt her learning disability was a barrier to her finding employment - she desperately wanted to contribute financially to her household and feel like she had a purpose.

Together, Jo and Aisha began to work on building Aisha’s confidence. Jo identified that a claim for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) was appropriate for Aisha and they completed the claim form together.

Jo and Aisha explored services that would be able to support Aisha with finding a job. Aisha decided that Stockport Homes Employment Team would be a good match for her, so they completed the on-line referral together.

Aisha began working with an Employment Coach. Jo stayed involved to ensure there was a seamless transition of support. Aisha is now completing a 6-week course with Stockport Homes and is actively applying for jobs. She has joined the gym and is socialising with friends again.

‘I had such low confidence and self-esteem; I would get very down. I stopped doing things in the house, stopped cooking. Jo did loads with me - she was my 'go-to'. She always let me know that I could achieve things and that she believed in me. She told me about PIP - I didn't know I would be eligible for this, and it’s helped me financially. I can afford to travel and do things independently. It’s also helped my husband as I am not so dependent on him. Jo was kind and kept me informed, she helped me see what I could do. Thanks to Jo I am on a 6-week placement with Stockport Homes Employment Team, and I am looking for an admin role. I'm so grateful - I had given up. I am excited about my future now!’