Mike’s story

Mike was referred to us by Adult Social Care. Mike was working with ASC, Police, Drug and alcohol team, as well as waiting for a Keyworker from Your Support. Mike was living in poor and unhealthy conditions. The referral was for support with a Boiler as Mike had no working Boiler. Mike was known to the service as this was the 4th time to be referred for support with a boiler. Mike had disengaged all the times when support was offered. Mike had a lot of people staying in the house as friends but financially exploiting Mike , hence the involvement of police. A visit was arranged with ASC. We had a chat with Mike about the importance of engaging with services. Mike reassured us that this time was different, they wanted a change in their life. Mike was engaging with Cirtek House addressing substance misuse. That was a massive step for Mike. Home Support liaised with engineers who had been before to install the boiler but could not. A date was arranged for the installation, keyworker met the engineers at the property, work was completed. Mike had a referral to Your support to support with benefits.

Mike’s words “ thank you for your support, it feels amazing to be able to have a bath after so long.”