Through working with Your Support, Mavis was able to improve her economic wellbeing and living conditions to ensure she has a happy and healthy life.
Mavis was referred to Your Support by the Adult Community Therapy Team due to several long-term health conditions, including osteoarthritis which significantly impacted her mobility. Daily activities like shopping and accessing her community had become increasingly challenging, and Mavis felt particularly isolated as she could no longer visit her local library, which she had always enjoyed.
Sue, her keyworker, provided holistic support tailored to Mavis's needs. Sue assisted Mavis in applying for Attendance Allowance, ensuring all relevant information was submitted. The application was successful, and Mavis was awarded the higher rate, along with a back payment. This financial support allowed Mavis to hire a cleaner and pay for a shopping service, making her home life more manageable.
Understanding Mavis's difficulty navigating the two flights of stairs in her current flat, Sue helped her apply for more suitable ground-floor accommodation. Additionally, the Equipment, Aids, and Adaptations Team provided essential adaptations to improve safety and mobility within her home, including a raised toilet seat, a bed arm pulley, and grab rails.
To enhance Mavis's independence and connection to her community, Sue secured Concessionary Travel Vouchers and referred her to Transport Support. As a result, Mavis could once again visit family and friends. Sue also facilitated access to the Home Library Lending Service, enabling Mavis to enjoy her love of reading without leaving home.
With these changes, financial support, home adaptations, and increased access to services, Mavis's quality of life has significantly improved. She now feels safer, more independent, and reconnected to the people and activities that make her happy.
Mavis said:
“Sue was a very lovely person, she helped me when I needed it and was always so kind and understanding. She has helped me so much and I feel so much better now.”