Through working with Stockport Support Hub Val has saved £100 per month and has equipment to improve her independence and home safety.

#One Stockport #One Heart #One future

Val was referred to Stockport Support Hub by her niece. She had been off work for 28 weeks due to severe back pain following a hip operation. Her Statutory Sick Pay (SSP) had ended, and Universal Credit (UC) expected her to look for work, which was impossible due to her health. She faced financial difficulties with deductions from UC and had already spent her last payment on essential bills.

The Support Hub Key Worker provided a £75 shopping voucher through the Household Support Fund, helping ease her immediate financial strain.

The SSH Keyworker also advised Val to apply for full Council Tax Support as she was only claiming the single person discount.

A referral was made to Stockport Council Equipment and Adaptations Team for mobility aids and home modifications as Val was struggling to mobilise around her home.

Val worked with the Social Prescriber at her GP practice who assisted her with the Work Capability Assessment forms for UC.

The Support Hub Key Worker followed up with Val six weeks later to check on her progress. Val told us that she had successfully applied for Council Tax Support and was saving £100 per month. She had also received a trolley and was waiting for grab rails to be installed in her home, improving her safety and independence.

‘Thank you so much, your involvement has made a massive difference. I am now looking forward to being able to buy my grandchild a Christmas present’.